How to Find Affordable Wedding Venues

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One of the best ways to cut costs is to seek out non-traditional venue options to host your wedding. For example, you could rent out your local community center, book an AirB&B, rent a cabin in the mountains, or throw your reception at a beach or lake. There are tons of options to choose from where venues are concerned, even if they don’t scream ‘wedding.’ Oftentimes, you’ll find that these venues are hidden gems. Further, these 

Finding Non-traditional Wedding Venues Online

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non-traditional venues are often more unique, personalized, and easier on the wallet, in many cases! But how do you go about finding these diamonds in the rough? Below you will find some resources that you can use to locate unique wedding venues that will work with your theme and budget. Remember, people don’t remember most weddings they attend, but adding fun and special things like interesting locations will really make

Finding Non-traditional Wedding Venues Online

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it a memorable occasion for everyone.

Finding Non-traditional Wedding Venues Online

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Google can be a real help in locating unique wedding venues if you know how to search. First, type in your desired area and then add a combination of words that describe your theme, dream venue, and/or any unique attributes it may have. For example, when I plugged in Minneapolis outdoor memorial rental, I found the above AMAZING venue in a nearby suburb called Veterans’ Memorial Amphitheater. With an optional indoor space, a person will

Google Search

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pay just $120 an hour to rent. Can you imagine walking down that aisle?!

Google Search

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Browse wedding blogs for events that took place in the area you want to get married and check out their venues. (You can search our archives here on The Budget Savvy Bride by state. Browse Real Weddings by Location.)

Check out wedding blogs

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Talk to your vendors and ask for recommendations. They always know hidden gem locations.

Ask for recommendations